Thursday, August 27, 2009

Brainstorm: Sea of Grass

I have had the most AWESOME idea for a world. Nobody steal it, it's copyrighted.

I was messing around on DeviantArt, and came across a digital painting called "Sea of Grass." It showed a fuzzy giant horse-thing being attacked by giant wolves. As I looked at it I lazily thought "Wouldn't it be cool if there was an actual sea of grass?" Then I realized what I'd just thought of and realized "WOW, that would be so cool!"


Blades of grass, inches thick, and half a foot to four feet wide at the surface, widening towards the ground, and rooted 20,000 leagues down, an entire ecosystem living within it's rippling waves.

The animals are generally light, and have a good grip, so that they can walk/leap from blade to blade. The wildlife gets larger and has to get used to lower light the deeper the blades go. On the surface, wind waves the blades just like a wheat field, but the sight stretches on for miles upon miles.

It starts at its edge as normal-looking grass. Then the grass gets longer - knee length. Then to your shoulders. Soon it's the height of corn, and it only gets deeper. And it would have a real, tangible thickness to it, like aloe vera.

I have vague mental images of the kinds of creatures who would live in an ecosystem like that - I imagine it would be very reminiscent of a kelp forest. There would be mushrooms, also gigantic, providing islands in the sea and stops partway down the blades. Creatures would shelter under the curve of them, like trees, grass going far up past them.

xD It would be so cool! I want to make this world now. I'd have to flesh it out a lot - you'd probably have different types of grasses. A "dangerous" part of the sea would of course have sawblade grass. :P

This could be absolutely, breathtakingly vivid if pursued to the full capacity of the world. I feel like it's one of my most original ideas. :) So often it's hard to think of something that feels different or unique, and not just a modification of something you just saw. I hope I can use it someday. Not for a game - not at this point in history, anyways. It would be far too difficult to do the idea justice; it just wouldn't be worth it. But it would make a good book, I think.

I definitely come up with ideas based on appearances of things. I imagine how something might look - a creature, a costume, a world - and ideas spur from there. I don't think in terms of stories, or at least, not in a defined and fleshed-out way. I more think "This is what it looks like when things are happening", not "This is what is happening."

I need to practice drawing anatomy and faces... there's so much I want to learn, I almost can't imagine actually knowing it. But I really do want to.

I need to bring sketching materials with me when I go camping...

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